2024大地藝術節-和大自然一起玩 徵件截止公告! “Playing with Nature” – Earth Art Festival 2024  Application Deadline Announcement




It’s a great honour of us to receive 150 ‘Playing with Nature’ art project from all over the world. We are appreciative each one of your valuable time and artistic idea. The team has started reading each application if  there are any missing parts or questions, individual email notifications will be sent before 7/9 (Tuesday).

The official list of selected artist will be announced on the “Dacheng Art Experimental Primary School Official Website” https://www.dcps.ptc.edu.tw/nss/p/index at 17:00 Taiwan time on July 19 (Friday)also on the fan page of Dacheng https://www.facebook.com/dcpspingtung?locale=zh_TW .  We will send individual email to inform selected artists about the contract details.

Thank you so much. Please wait for the good news.